Multi-million dollar clients, massive deals, the appeal is clear. High-net-worth clients can help you take your mortgage brokerage to the next level. But if you want to play the game, you have to know the rules.
First and foremost, perception is key. Clients with huge purchasing power will usually suss you out within the first five minutes of the conversation. And, as the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
The key to working with affluent clients is to elevate your personal brand. Your brand is what you offer. Your services and connections, your customer service, your logo or symbols, your ethics and mission, all of these aspects of your business work together to form your brand. It’s your professional image.
Mortgage broker marketing is all about getting your brand established. As you get your brand established, it creates trust. It becomes associated in the customer’s mind with a certain level of satisfaction, credibility, and quality. With a crowded and competitive marketplace, this is priceless. It’s your brand that makes you stand out from your competitors.
Here are seven steps to elevate your brand:
1. Know your market
Your brand will appeal to some people and not others. And the same can be said of your service. What you want is to align the brand with what you offer. When you consciously choose to work with high-dollar clients and luxury home owners, you define your demographic and differentiate yourself from other mortgage brokers. Over time, clients will recognise your unique specialisations and recommend you to others for your professionalism, credibility, and quality.
2. What’s your UPS?
A UPS is a Unique Positioning Statement. It tells your client who you are and how you’re in a position to help them. The UPS can be something as simple as “I specialise in working with high-net clients.” This packages and positions you so that a potential customer immediately knows what you have to offer. Make sure that you keep this position consistent throughout all channels of your mortgage broker marketing. The goal of your UPS is to show people that you can meet their specific needs better than anyone else in the business. It’s the core that your build your business around.
3. Get certified
Most luxury homeowners and affluent clients are successful business people. They understand the value of training and education. This is something that these clients will expect from those they work with, and they will recommend you to others on the basis of your higher level of expertise. Make sure that you’re certified with the appropriate credentials authority and a member of the leading industry association.
4. Go all out on the printing
You don’t want to cheap out on your business card. Not if you actually intend to hand it to a client. Regardless of your other mortgage broker marketing strategies, success at this level means showing up with a professional appearance and competent demeanour. A shoddy business card says cheapskate. On the other hand, quality materials and design shows that you care about your business, that you are successful and can be trusted to handle the client’s business.
5. The Elevator Pitch
We’ve all heard of the elevator pitch. It’s basically a 30 seconds or less summary of who you are and what you do. This is essential when you work with powerful individuals who can choose any broker they want. Show up for business and get to the point. And remember your brand. Leave the customer with a solid impression focused on what you want them to remember about you.
6. Dress the part
Show up ready to impress. Shorts and flip flops might work at the beach, but when you meet with a client, it’s important to let them know you take their business seriously. First impressions are subtle, but they go a long way. Make sure that your attire is of good quality and in good order, and you leave the customer feeling that you are on top of your game.
7. Be confident!
You’ve seen people who weren’t confident before. You can recognise it in how they move, how they hold themselves, the tone of their voice. It’s a whole impression that comes across, and it shapes how you interact with them. Just the same, when someone is confident, you can feel it. It inspires trust. After all the practical bits are said and done, the most important thing is to project confidence. And that means you have to feel it. You may be dealing with high profile clients, but don’t be intimidated. They want what you have to offer, so walk tall, shake firm, and meet their eyes like a professional who can deliver on their promises.
If you’d like to know more about building your brand or to find out how to boost your marketing strategy, feel free to contact us. At Reputation by Design, we know the game. We want to help you take your business to the next level.